Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Holy Schrager!

40 Bond is a collaboration between hotel/disco king Ian Schrager and ingenious Swiss architectural firm Herzog & de Meuron. Visual references to Gaudí? Graffiti-esque aluminum fence? UNBELIEVABLY BALANCED DESIGN INSIDE AND OUT? Uh, yeah. triple mint gives a peek inside.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Leah Chalfen Meets Bruno Munari

Leah C. makes truly unbelievable hats. She owns and runs Leah C. Couture Millinery in New York City. We felt it was only natural, both being Leahs, that we should work together to design some promotional material that showcased her beautiful work. Below are two designs that were not chosen for the final piece, but I still like 'em!
These designs give a nod to Bruno Munari's The Circus in the Mist which is contunally inspirational to me and has been since about age 3. There's just something about printed, layered vellum!!

Friday, February 24, 2006

St. George's Play Yard

While I was walking in the Grammercy area of Manhattan I passed St. George's Church, and their super safe and inviting looking playground. For me- this was a winning combination: steel, neon, sharp edges. It is a thing of beauty. Certainly a great place for kids to play!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Astro, astro!

New custom type designed for a line of girly t-shirts!

Flicking My Switch

I love anything that reminds me of the Bauhaus (holy shit Die Neue Typografie), Avant-Garde, Russian Constructivist, and DaDA periods in design. Somehow that spirit is personified by Ladyton, so you can imagine I was psyched to find out they are playing Irving Plaza April 15th. Bring it on, bitchez.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Meet Marsha

Last night at 8pm, Brian came home with our new baby, her name is Marsha. I've always loved the Marshall logo- it proves that script can rock...and nothing says I ROCK HARD better than a busted up cab.

Notice the shag carpet? It's a glimpse into the new Faust Haus studio...more on that to come!